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How to create a widget for your web app

September 01, 2020 - JavaScript

Let's say you have a web application and you would like to enable other developers to include portions of your app as interactive widgets on their websites.

An example of such a use case could be a Twitter timeline. Twitter provides a widget for including timelines on any website. To generate the necessary code you would use the Publish tool. The output from this tool looks like this:

<a class="twitter-timeline" href="">Tweets by mgibowski</a>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

So we have a snippet of code consisting of only two HTML tags: a and script. This short snippet is easy to paste into any website and it generates a full-featured widget that fetches data from a remote source in real-time. Let's see how widgets like this work under the hood.

Overall architecture

If your widget is very simple and only puts static content into the target website - there is not much to it, just injecting some HTML code. In fact, this is how Twitter's quote widget works.

However, in more complex scenarios (like a Twitter timeline) - with interactivity, rendering data from remote APIs, or including custom styling, it's best to prepare your widget as a normal web page, serve it directly from your server, and include it in the target website inside of an iframe. To keep it easy for inclusion, one needs to create a short script that replaces a placeholder HTML tag for your widget with an iframe.

Embedded content

The widget itself will be just a fragment of your website, so you need to prepare a view for it that displays exactly what you want. It is common and practical to set a fixed height of the widget and make it reactive in terms of width. In this way, it will present itself well on all supported devices and iframe will not display any sliders.

Embedding script

JavaScript embedding script is where most of the mechanism described in this post happens.

Let's invent an imaginary widget code:

<div class="my-widget" data-arg="ArgValue"></div>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

In the above example, the div element serves as a placeholder for the widget, and the widgets.js script is responsible for replacing this placeholder with a real widget - a fragment of your website rendered inside of an iframe. As you may imagine, the async parameter of the script tag prevents parser-blocking - so the browser will load, parse and evaluate this script in parallel without interrupting parsing the target document.

The algorithm of the widgets.js script is:

  1. Defer execution until when DOM is ready
  2. Query DOM for all widget placeholders
  3. Create iframe and replace each placeholder
  4. Optionally pass arguments from placeholders to iframes

Embedding script source code

For the sake of this blog post, I created a repository with an example Embedder. The repository is a simple Webpack1 project configured to fit our needs, so there is no code-splitting and the output JS file is called widgets.js.

Most of the logic resides in Embedder.js. The main JavaScript file index.js imports that file and executes it's logic once the HTML document is fully loaded:

import Embedder from './Embedder';

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
  const embedder = new Embedder();

Embedder.createWidgets() method looks for all widget placeholders on the target website and replaces them with iframes (you could have multiple widgets on a single page):

  createWidgets() {
    document.querySelectorAll('.my-widget').forEach((element) => {
        height: '320px',
        customArg: element.getAttribute('data-arg'),

Embedder._createWidget method includes the _ prefix to make it "private by convention". Its body is very small to separate concerns.

Let's take a look at it:

  _createWidget(options) {
    const url = process.env.NODE_ENV == 'development'
      ? `http://localhost:8080/widget?customArg=${options.customArg}`
      : `${options.customArg}`;
    const iframe = this._createIframe(url, options);
    options.element.parentNode.replaceChild(iframe, options.element);

Firstly, it generates the URL of the website fragment serving the widget. You may notice the different URL for development environment. I assume you would be developing the web app serving your widget locally and you might want it to be served from localhost when running Embedder in development mode.

Then, there is a method invocation for creating an iframe and a separate call to replace the placeholder with this iframe.

Finally, Embedder._createIframe() looks like this:

  _createIframe(url, options) {
    const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
    iframe.setAttribute('name', 'My Embedded widget');
    iframe.setAttribute('title', 'My Embedded widget');
    iframe.setAttribute('src', url);
    iframe.setAttribute('border', 'none');
    iframe.setAttribute('loading', 'lazy');
    iframe.setAttribute('width', '100%');
    iframe.setAttribute('frameborder', '0');
    iframe.setAttribute('height', options.height);

    return iframe;

So that's it. That's basically how interactive widgets work. There is, however, one more thing worth explaining.

Parametrizing embedded content with arguments

Our imaginary example widget code contained a custom argument data-arg="ArgValue". It is possible you would need something like this too. Maybe you have different widgets and one widgets.js script for injecting all of them based on some HTML parameter. Or maybe your widgets are specific for each user and you need to somehow pass the username to the widget.

There are two solutions for this depending on the use case.

The first one, contained in the above source code, passes a custom argument as a URL parameter to the website serving the widget.

Another option would be to utilize Window.postMessage() mechanism and communicate to your widget web page directly via JavaScript. This may be necessary when you need to pass some sensitive information that shouldn't be part of an URL.

In such a case previous Embedder._createWidget() would look like this:

  _createWidget(options) {
    const url = process.env.NODE_ENV == 'development'
      ? 'http://localhost:8080/widget'
      : '';
    const iframe = this._createIframe(url, options);
     // 👇 Here goes the main change
    iframe.onload = () => {
      const args = { customArg: options.customArg };
      iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({name: 'init', args}, url);
    options.element.parentNode.replaceChild(iframe, options.element);

Handling such a message in the widget code is left as an exercise for the reader 😉.

Thanks for visiting, Michał.

If you spot any mistakes in this post, please let me know via GitHub.


As of 2020 Webpack is the de-facto standard for bundling JavaScript projects.